Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fake interview with Zach Jones

I found this in some old text file I had. I'd taken lines from someone's MySpace profile and written up a fake interview to spotlight them.

Ash: Zach Jones, wow. Well, I don't think I have to tell you how long I've waited to finally have an opportunity to sit down and have a chat with you.
Zach: if u want 2 talk im just a click away .
Ash: Oh, don't be so modest. You're all over the place like pork rind grease on the Edelbrock catalog! Zach, how would you describe yourself?
Zach: Im a sweet an charming country boy. With long brown hair an brown eyes.
Ash: Who could ask for more? With such a unique charm, I'm sure the ladies can't keep their thumbless hands off of you. Has Mr. Jones found himself a nice little slice to call home/hoe?
Zach: Im the best girl ever.
Ash: Well, I certainly doubt that... let's say, 'to be determined,' shall we? With such a fine woman in your corner, are we to assume there will be wedding bells in Zach Jones' near future?
Zach: I dont belive in young marrige.That will mess up ur hole life u r not mature enough for what life has 4 u u cant handal some eles problem.SO dont go get married most all the time a guy just wants the pussy .
Ash: Wow, certainly strong feelings on that young marriage issue, ZJ! How is it that you feel qualified to make bold, ignorantly unwavering sweeping generalizations?
ZJ: Im a guy i kone so trust me waite go to colleg.
Ash: I assume you're still waiting... Well, I tell ya, I could string a necklace with the pearls of wisdom I gather from discourse with you in just five minutes time, I'm sure of it!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A news event more catastrophic than 9/11 and Katrina... combined!

Can you imagine a force of nature more devastating than Howard Hughes' Hercules smashing into a hurricane stricken wasteland's single retreat, the Astrodome, only to have the pilot escape the wreckage to hadouken the survivors?

Neither can I, but check this shit out.

Even the dad with all his Steve Wiebe half-glee has no idea how to fill a minute with the astounding news.

Thursday, April 24, 2008